To activate a student's account is to log in the account for the first time ever. 

To register a student's account, you will require the username and password.
  • Username: is this student's moeschools email address (
  • Password: is the student's DOB in format YYYYMMDD

To log in for the first time:
  1. Visit DPIS (
  2. Enter the username email address and password. Click 'Log In'.
  3. Confirm the contact information associated with your account.
  4. Choose a preferred method of contact - SMS to your listed phone number or EMAIL to your listed email address. Click 'Submit'.
  5. Receive an activation code to your preferred method of contact (Please check you junk/spam mailbox). The activation code is valid for one (1) hour. 
  6. Input your activation code on portal when prompted. Click 'Activate'.
  7. Follow password reset prompt at the end of your initial log in. All passwords must include:
  • At least eight (8) characters
  • At least one (1) common letter
  • At least one (1) capital letter
  • At least one (1) number
  • At least one (1) special character
      8. Password successfully reset. 
You now have full access to your account.